Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Minor Leaguers Need To Be Paid More: Raising Awareness: Persuading - Sports - Read This- Very Interesting

Minor League Baseball Players Need
to Get Paid More
By Sam Berman

Would you like it if you were being paid less than half of minimum
wage? Well that’s reality for minor league baseball players. Players get
inspired and follow their dream, but they end up living either with their
parents, or with other minor leaguers in homes with no furniture, sleep on
an air mattress, or structural problems like a broken roof. Minor league
baseball players just flat out need to be paid more.

                       One of the reasons Minor leaguers need to be paid more is because a
large majority of them have very lousy living conditions. Minor league
baseball players need better living conditions. If it doesn’t happen soon,
then that’s unacceptable. Many Minor leaguer end up living with their
parents, and they’re considered pro baseball players. Imagine trying to
follow your dream and your parents aren’t happy because you have to live
with them. One retired minor leaguers in now in his 30’s and still lives
with his parents. That’s the situation for a large chunk of the ballplayers.
Other minor leaguers live in homes with other minor leaguers. Many of
those homes have problems like the air conditioning won’t work, the roof
is damaged, or the floorboards are sticking up. Also, many minor leaguers
end up sleeping on air mattresses, and they have no furniture, or they
have only one table. Those problems need to be solved, and they need to
be solved fast.
                             In addition to their horrible living conditions, they need to be
treated like people. Minor leaguers make less than half of what fast food
workers make, and fast food workers are paid minimum wage. “That’s
illegal!”, you say, but Major League Baseball has used excuses to get out of
trouble. Many of minor leaguers make $140 dollars every week, and evenin their 3rd year in triple A which is when they’re paid most make $2,700
a year. That’s over $300-$1100 dollars MORE than what some minor
league players make in a year. Many Minor League baseball players end
up getting multiple summer jobs, just to cover rent, and house and home.
The Minor leaguers don’t even get paid for spring training. 2 months of
work and spring training games, and you end up with unpaid minor
league baseball players. Major League Baseball is a $9 billion industry.
The Minor Leagues get chump change. Major League Baseball teams have
plenty of money to pay their Minor Leaguers. If they say they don’t, well
then, “Liar liar pants on fire.”
                                   Major League Baseball needs to pay their Minor League players
more money. The players’ living conditions are very rough, you could
even say awful and the ballplayers need to be treated like the people they
are. Being paid below minimum wage is illegal, so technically the MLB is
doing illegal things that are not okay. But still, they end up finding ways
out of it. If Minor leaguers don’t make the majors, they’re in an awful,
awful situation, unless they go to extra college or late law school. Minor
leaguers are not being paid enough, and that’s not okay

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